Internal Medicine Center Service Hours: Monday - Sunday 08.00 – 20.00

Telephone number Tel. 1719 or +66 42 188 999 ext. 1111, 1112

Our Services

The Internal Medicine Center offers general medical services including diagnosis, consultation and nonsurgical treatments of health problems from a simple headache, runny nose or nasal congestion, to a sore throat, coughing, cold or influenza and serious infectious diseases such as HIV


Our teams of specialist physicians in internal medicine are highly skilled in providing comprehensive medical care for many different illnesses including:


Annual Physical Examination

·      Health Screening

·      Preventive Care

·      Endocrinology & Metabolism

·      Nephrology

·      Gastroenterology and Liver

·      Brain and Nervous system

·      Pulmonology

·      Infectious Diseases

·      Oncology

Our Internal Medicine Center of Bangkok Hospital Udon, provides medical consultation and treatment that connects the different systems holistically. We are acting as your personal doctors or family doctors to take care of you and your family. Our medical cares offered includes both physical and mental care, focusing not only on treatment but preventative or occurrence and reoccurrence.

For more information, please contact: INTERNAL MEDICINE CENTER, Bangkok Hospital Udon:

1ST FLOOR Tel:  +66 42 188 999 ext: 1111 , 1112 or Call: 1719

Specialist Physician

Dr. Tassanapong Tangpattanasiri

Internal Medicine

Dr. Banphot Nakrumpai

Internal Medicine

Dr. Gunyamol Thamniramol

Internal Medicine

Dr. Pongsiri Banmai

Internal Medicine

Package & Promotions

Diabetes Screening Package

Shingles Vaccine Package

Thyroid Packages

Health Information